

It’s almost midnight and my “muse” will be here any minute! Let’s get everything ready. Once they show up time goes really, really fast!

Pens (lots of colors), BIG paper, computer. Tape for sticking paper on walls. Spicy cinnamon, bubbling boiling water with aroma of vanilla wafting into room, gentle guitar music by Allen Matthews, perpetual piano melodies by Rene Michelle. Ahhh.

My inner essence of being is lighting up. Just a bit of Chocolate (with sea salt and spicy, crunchy stuff, too) and ice cream. Light… need light. Open blinds so light comes in… better yet! Plug in the colored cheery holiday lights (love to keep them up over dreary winter). Mmmmmm. Bring sun inside. Move beyond Portland, Oregon clouds. Feeling HAPPY!

Chimes are blowing outside… this means that a muse is close. Let’s see, what else? Hot tea with honey. (chime) Breathe deeply (smelling cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate). Listen … lovely melodies floating through room with layers of careful keys in gentle perpetual pieces. My hand reaches for a pen… it begins to move… a dance begins… meaning mixes melody with wonderful wild whimsy. Happiness is what happy does.

Choosing pen carefully, “muse” merrily meanders across surface, singing softly and gently to meaningful music. Hours pass. Graphic giggles. Emerging from pen comes a snout, eyebrows and a bit of rough scraggly hair, seaweed extending. Hand is tired. Creativity done for now. Miraculous muse musters. Gone. On the wall is a happy reminder of the  muse of a graphic facilitator who leaves a reminder. Be happy.

Mindmaps on display at Apositiva Institute in Portland, Oregon.

For info on mindmapping classes coming up click Mindmap with Cat.


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